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Disciplinary Proceedings - Training Tool Kit & Manual

Date: Feb 19, 2017

The tool kit has been prepared for the primary functionaries of the private enterprises who are members of the FNCCI, responsible for handling personnel issues, with specific reference to disciplinary proceedings. This kit deals on the cycle of discillinary proceedings, when it starts and where it ends from practical point of view.  

Once this tool kit is brought in to use in daily life of the functionaires dealing with disciplinary proceedings, it is expected that good result and en masse feeling that the principles of natural justice are ignored in the private sector particularly in relation to dealing with its employees will largely be cleared. 


Published in:  
English and Nepali Language

Manual Prepared and Edited by:
Mr. Binaya Regmi, Advocate

Co-ordinated by:
Mr. Hansa Ram Pandey
Ms. Shakuntala Shrestha
Ms. Kabita Shrestha

Published by: 
FNCCI Employers' Council

First Publised:  2017

Publication funded by:

This publication can be purchased from FNCCI Secretariat, Teku, Kathmandu.

Price: Nepalese Rupees 300/-

Please contact to purchase the publication: 
FNCCI Employers' Council
Phone: 4266918
​Email: employers@fncci.org

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