Mr. Shekhar Golcha, Vice-President of FNCCI elected by the Associated Member Companies has assumed the position of Chairperson of Employers' Council (EC), one of the permanent bodies of FNCCI responsible for the promotion of good industrial relations in Nepal. 16 members have been also nominated by the President of FNCCI on the recommendation of the Chairperson. The committee comprises of 3 members from chambers of commerce and industries, 2 members from commodities associations, 6 members from associated members and other 5 members from various sectors and groups representing multinationals. Apart from these core members, the committee is also represented by permanent invitees, invitees and advisors.
The first meeting of the executive committee held on June 27, 2014 has also elected Mr. Manish Agrawal, Executive Committee member of FNCCI as Vice-Chairperson of the EC.