Management Training Program concluded
Date: Jan 17, 2014
In cooperation with ' The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Technical Association (HIDA-Japan)' FNCC-Employers’ Council organized a Management Training Program (MTP) from 15 to 17 January, 2014 at Hotel Summit, Kathmandu.

The MTP covered a wide spectrum of management issues such as Basic Principles of Management, Principles of Organizational Management, Management and Standards, Problem Awareness and Creativity, Improvement of Work, Planning, Directing, Controlling, Coordinating, Meaning of Developing Subordinates, Cultivation of Individual Skills and Ability, Understanding Human Behavior, Attitudes and Their Development, Leadership, and Development of Good Management. The target participants were Human resource managers, Managers of other departments and people likely to become future managers.
Mr. Hajime Ebihara from JITA-Japan, Mr. Ishwar Karki from President of Human Resources Society, Nepal & Mr. Hansa Ram pandey-Director of FNCCI-EC were the trainers of the program. There were 21 participants (including one female) from different company/organization/enterprises. For registration NRs. 4,000 & 5,000 fee was set for FNCCI member and non-member respectively.

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