Seminar on Human Resource Management- Case study of Japanese Companies
Date: Aug 10, 2017
Seminar on “Human Resource Management- Case study of Japanese Companies” was held in 2 to 3 August 2017 at Hotel Himalayan, Kupondol, Lalitpur, Nepal. From 25 different companies/enterprises, 42 (including 15 female) participants were actively participated and made the seminar effective. The seminar was hosted by FNCCI-Employers’ Council and supported by AOTs/HIDA Japan.
AOTs/HIDA Japan supported this program for Nepalese participants to deepen their understanding ofHuman Resource Management that has been applied by Japanese companies. The objectives of the seminar were to impart the knowledge/information about how to retain talented personnel and develop the abilities of their companies’ staffs through case studies of Japanese companies and to enhance participants’competences in handling HRM through group discussions in which they seek how to better apply what they learnt in the seminar.

Professor Yutaka Nakasima from CHUO University, Tokyo Japan, was a Resource Person of the seminar, Mr. EijiTeshima-Chief Program Coordinator and Ms. Mari Kaneko –Program Coordinator were from The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Technical Association (HIDA) Japan.